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God Promises to help you Run

31 But those who trust the Lord will find new strength. They will be strong like eagles soaring upward on wings; they will walk and run without getting tired.

Isaiah 40:31 (CEV)

God not only promises to make us fly, but He also promises to help us run. All of us know what it is to be weary. There are times when we just have to keep running, crisis hours when we simply cannot quit.

Maybe you work all day and then spend time visiting a loved one in a hospital or caring for a friend and then go back home to care for responsibilities there, and on it goes, day after day. Life can wear us out. When we are tired or at our weakest point, we can lean on the Lord.

It is then that God promises to give us the strength to run and not be weary.

Doctors tell us that the emergency hours of life release in our bodies strength that we never knew we had. Our glands go to work and put extra power into the bloodstream, and we can do amazing things.

If this is true physically, it is even more true spiritually. In the emergency hours of life, when we are sure we cannot keep going, God enables us to run and not be weary.

We must trust in this promise when we are at our weakest points. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. The only way you will lose your battle is if you stop fighting. You might be weak, but keep on fighting. If you're trusting the Lord to be your strength, you'll make it through if you don't give up.

If you don't think you can do something, then the odds are that you'll never do anything.

If God is for us, then anything is possible.

Don't limit yourself. Just keep going. Keep running. He promised to give you the strength you need in your times of need.

When we just keep going we accomplish the purposes God has in for lives.

Don't stop running. You can make it through! When you do you'll be happy you didn't give up. Allow God to refresh you with this promise.

(1) Lipstak, Andrew (August 30, 2015). "The Incredible Hulk Was Inspired By A Woman Saving Her Baby". Gizmodo. Jack Kirby witnessed a woman lift a car to get her child out from under it. The moment helped inspire one of his most famous creations: the Incredible Hulk.


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